Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Create a simple brochure with Potoshop

Hello all lovers of the design computers!, Meet again in Photoshop tutorials, btw sorry yes a bit late posting it's known too busy ya, just calm, but I will continue to provide tip Potoshop although I like cape ... he .... He .. J,
This time I will discuss how to make a simple brochure using Potoshop, Weird, is not koq Potoshop in kannggo Graph? "Yup potoshop was not for aja loh photograph could also be in use for writing desaign tilisan-so, another example that I ever made like this ya :

Well .. it's probably a small sample aja time yes of course we can also make a more cool dong, well now we make a mini brochure aja ya times the size of big terlalau do not like the picture above.

Brochure that we will create is a notice that there's an IT seminar skanario her. Common letsGo bro! "....
Now open adhop Photosop-After its entry into the area Pothoshop-click File-New.
If the dialog box appears like this:
Enter the name of the project that we will create biarin atu aja dech, we use inches in size aja pake cm also be, well on the mode select grayscale (black and white), do not you just make cheap flyers aja koq trouble, he .... He .... he .... J,.
Now click OK aja, now our task is to add layernya first,
Love the name-layerLatar, let nyarinya easy. For the love of his name simply double-click aja, continue ketikin name.
If you've select the gradient tool on a tool like this picture nih:
If you've come kind of gradient that we need not color but any color mode because gradientnya results remain black and white.
Once selected mode gradientya-Now click layerLatar, continue to do whatever he want want to drag a diagonal, horizontal, or vertical semuatergantung artistry respectively, siip ... ..,
And note the results, if the results are less satisfactory living Ctrl + Z (Undo), to repeat it again, until the mode we want. nah I just use a mode like this:
If uada select Eleptical Marquee Tool, kayak on the left side, if uadah we try to make a half circle. oh yes do not be confused how to make a half circle, make a full circle if aja udah dech so we cut it's easy? ", Ok before we make it helps us add lingkaranya wrote layernya first love-LayerSLingkaran name.
Now click dilayer-layerLatar, continue to make a circle, if you've made a circle and hold press Ctrl + C, if you've click the layer-LayerSLingkaran now press Ctrl + V Again, how if you have not already seen the results yet?, Now try clicking LayerSLingkaran, continue to select the menu Bar-Filter-Sketch-Halfton Pattern,
If the dialog box appears:
In patern type select: Line, Size try to taste the same aja ja aja please adjust the contrast., If you've click OK, now look at the results ... .. ouh,, still dark, yes? ", It was still dark when we fill turunin aja and capacity colornya, for example I pake fill: 23% and capacity: 68%, and the results are roughly like this:
Please note you can also choose another mode depending on your version of each,
If you've tried you click there lingkaranyan ayang layer and press Ctrl + T, kmudian adjust ukuranyanya,
Next let us consider his writings to make his writing like what I wrote, weeks to make posts just click the Horizontal Type Tools Tools (if form Horonzontal) but it's up to you aja dech important writings, well got my results:
Well that's about the results of course, we design further, you can also add photos to a more rigid kelihtan baseball, if you've made the writing now let his writings can be read, we Blending, Blending makes potoshop has a good reputation, how pretty easy to simply select one layer and then right click-select Blending, after which it will appear the menus Drop Shadow, Glow Iner, etc., I can not menjelakan one by one, please try sendidiri I am sure you can do it, well now I will love simple example of the final project we,:
Well sebenrnya baseball differing only very slightly doang bener berunah baseball?,. But quite right?, If you've gini we just do crop, kmeudian menyimpanya into a PDF form or the other instance, for crop-Click Image Crop, save the File-kemudain Save / Save As, Select File Typenya up to you.
Roughly this is the way to make a simple brochure on Potoshop, now please try at home, and that certainly I would want to read already ucapin terimaksiah This brief tutorial I'll see you in other toturial N Good Luck Aja dech ... J ... ... .... Bye ... bye ... .
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